
2015 Rave Award Winners!

The RAVE (Residential Architects Vision and Excellence) Awards, which honor Minnesota architects and their work, has selected two of our projects as award recipients in…

Home of the Month Awards

We are proud to announce that two of our projects were selected for the annual Minneapolis Star Tribune Home of the Month Awards 2015. The…

Home of the Month

We are proud to announce that one of our projects was selected for the annual Minneapolis Star Tribune Home of the Month Awards. The Summit…

2012 Watermark Award Winners!

We are pleased to announce that The Watermark Awards, sponsored by Builder and Custom Home Magazines, which honor excellence in kitchen and bath design from…

Cheers to 12 Years!

Please stop by our office for some great food and drinks, interesting conversation and to see what fantastic projects we’ve been working on recently. We’d…

Award Winning Projects!

We are pleased to announce that the Linden Hills Cottage was awarded the Custom Kitchen Merit Award in the Custom Home Design Awards. The official…